суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ala hotel in punta

Hi Everyone,� I am new here and looking forward to meeting new people and getting to know each other.� My passions are painting and I love animals.� Also like reading and movies.� I am going to share this story with you.

Earlier this week, our 9 month old minature yorkie was happily playing in our front gardern where he is supposed to be safe.� The pool is in the back garden, so he only goes there when a family member is with him.� He came back inside and a few minutes later he was really ill.� He had 3 convulsions.� It was really terribly and I honestly did not know what to do.� Fortunately my mom (who lives with us) said "rub his tummy", which I did, and this got rid of a lot of� "poison" in his little body.� We rushed off to the vet, who said he was not sure what it was as it could have been a number of things.� ie. Poison, spider bite, poisonous plants, or fluid on the brain.� He gave him a cortisone injection, and I brought him home so I could watch him, and if necessary contact the vet.� Now, we have no poisonous plants, neither has he fluid on the brain.� We can only assume it was an insect bite of some sort.� And I thought he was safe.� He loves it outside, but this has left me a little neurotic about him and I now go outside with him.� He was a very active mischevious cute little guy and up until to-day has been so quiet.� I am happy to say that tonight he was on top form again.�� Have any of you heard of this happening.� I would love to hear any advise.�
Look forward to hearing from you

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